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New Year, New Updates

 Hello again!

It's been a few months since we have written an update, we hope everyone is doing well in this new year. Last we wrote, we were returning from cross cultural training in North Carolina. Since, we have been enjoying time with family & friends, fundraising, speaking at many church gatherings, and applying for our two year visa to return. 

The visa which we applied for grants us two years. To apply we had to go to the consulate office in New Jersey. Prior to the appointment there was a stack of paperwork we had to acquire and translated into Spanish. In January we made our appointment, we were told in less than a minute that we did not have the right paperwork. So we extended our stay, figured out quickly which paperwork was needed and spent the following day at a local library to translate documents into Spanish and printing it all. We then had to track down a notary that could read Spanish to sign off on some of the documents, as that was required. We drove back into the city the following day, and the gentleman who does the visa work was out sick, so we drove back home empty handed. Upon coming back home we rescheduled for an appointment on Valentines Day, because that's how we roll. Thankfully we were approved that day for our visas, it felt great to check that off our 'to do' list. Applying for a visa is not for the faint of heart, they really make you work for it and the organization is lacking a bit. Documents they said we would need, we were never asked about, and documents that were never mentioned we needed. We are praising that we made it through that process with success and if you're needing a visa to Ecuador, talk to us.  

We got donuts after the first appointment where we were turned down to lift the spirits. 

So now the big question is, when are we moving? In a few weeks, we bought tickets for early-mid March. A short term team is arriving at the end of March and we would like a week or so in country before hand to get settled and prepare for the teams arrival. While we were anticipating this move, it's been such a process getting here that we were never 100% sure. We are now processing all the emotions that come with moving. Excitement for the next chapter, mourning from leaving loved ones and comforts, and everything else in between. We are preparing our home by purging and packing, along with tackling the to-do list of things that need done before leaving like; renewing my drivers license, making last minute doctor appointments, getting international phone plans together, ordering new glasses for both of us, writing letters, and purchasing things to pack that you can't get in country. 

While the above is big news to share, we have other news as well. We are expecting and due this summer! We are so excited and grateful to be adding another little one to our family. We have been praying about this for about a year now and we are completely trusting God's timing of this littles ones arrival. We have had a few appointments already and baby is doing great. Josie loves babies but she's a little skeptical how this baby is coming about. We talk about it often and sometimes she says she also has a baby in her belly that's making her sick (I get pretty sick when pregnant & she's been a witness to it). She's going to be a great big sister when the time comes. 

We have been really blessed to see God's hand in all of this and meeting us where we are as we prepare to move our family. We have had some really encouraging conversations in the last month. We have been reminded by God our why for going as a family. We have had some good conversations as a couple for what moving back will look like for us and how this is a marathon and not a sprint. We want to thank you for praying for us, we feel the prayers. If you could continue praying for our family as we prepare to leave again, travel, and transition back to jungle living. I also want to mention, I am starting to do email updates with each post, if you would like to receive an email to not miss a newsletter, please reach out to us with your email address. 


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