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We are Back!

 Hello again! It’s been almost two years (!!!) since I wrote a post last. A lot has happened, let’s do a quick update. We had our baby girl, Josie in October of 2021. She is 1.5 years old, loves talking, being outside, and her people. She is pure joy, she keeps us on our toes, and we have loved becoming parents. We moved out of my grandparents farmhouse after living there for a year & a half. We are living in our own space again and more importantly, out of boxes. 

Last time I shared we were looking to move to Spokane, which did not workout. After a lot of prayer, we felt God was not moving us just yet. Gideon took a break from schooling as we didn’t feel at peace about pursuing a degree in aviation any longer. He still holds credits for general education, which can be transferred & used for any bachelor degree (more on that another time). 

As many of you reading this know by now we are in the process of moving to Ecuador to be in full time ministry. January of 2022 we were contacted about the job position. In February we flew to Montana for interview #1 & were sent back home to pray for specific details for God to answer, so we had certainty. By June we were interviewed a second time & hired to serve as missionaries at Ninawachi Bible Institute in Ecuador. Gideon was a student at Ninawachi a number of years ago, so we are familiar with both of our sending organizations, the institute, and the mission. Being that Gideon lived there for two years, he is very familiar with the culture and environment from living there, and while this will all be new to me (and Josie), I have been hearing about Ecuador since we’ve been dating. 

We started raising financial support a few months ago and got off to a good start. Before beginning fundraising we first started with prayer, praying over the hearts, budgets, and lives of those who will support us. I read shortly after being hired about fundraising and in one book it reminded that we are not asking people to give, God is asking people on our behalf to be apart of kingdom work. It sounds simple & too easy to miss, but that mindset shift takes off the pressure and reminds us that God will provide for our needs. He already provides for us now & that won’t change. With all that being said, we have been extremely humbled at the generosity and support we have been given already. If you have prayed for us or given financially, thank you. We really can’t put into words how humbling it is that God wants to use us & that so many of you recognize that in us & support it. So again, thank you, this can’t be done alone. 

My hope is to be more consistent with these posts and updates. My goal for this space is to act as our “newsletters”, instead of writing a one page email, once a month or quarterly. I want to share our life with you, being that this is birthing out of missions that will most likely be the overall theme, but some weeks I might just share a recipe, only pictures, or a funny story. I want this to feel like we are sitting down at coffee, sharing life together. I also want this to act as a memory for my family during this time of our lives. I pray this space brings joy, inspires, is uplifting, and mostly brings Glory to God. 


  1. Glad you all made it safe. You guys will always be our prayers. We are here for support and for prayer for your journey with GOD. May God bless and watch over yous.


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