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Life Update

We made it back to Pennsylvania last Wednesday, it feels to good being back home & with family. For those who don’t know what some of these last few posts have been in regard to, here is a little back story. Gideon has been taking classes for Missions Aviation the last year. The first year was online, but years 2-4 are taken in person, the school is located in Spokane, Washington. Our trip west was to get a feel for the area, look for housing, and meet with the school. We met with the school, had good conversations with the staff, toured the campus, and got a feel for the city of Spokane and the surrounding area. We did not find housing, the market, like everywhere, is a little crazy. Average rent is $1,400/month, we cannot afford that price range due to our circumstances. Rentals below $900/month are either a shared space (think college students), not safe, wait listed (taking applicants only, 1 of 100+ people), or the landlords are not responding back. His classes begin July 12th, Monday-Friday 7:30-4:30 daily. The school is suggesting he not work, but instead we raise financial support. They have a few reasons for this, there is an opportunity to have our school debt paid off at the end of graduation, but you must be making an effort to raise support. They want to see us taking initiative, along with being in the habit/have some support for when we graduate & begin entering the mission field, so it’s not such a new and daunting task. Gideon would still look for part-time work in Spokane, because that’s how we are. I would continue with my online businesses and see what work I can do outside the home (I’ve heard being 6 months pregnant is a great selling feature for job applications, LOL). 

We have tried to have an open mind and loosely hold our plans, taking everything one step at a time. We do not feel locked into this school, the degree, or even moving to Spokane. But we do feel if we are to continue to Spokane, God will provide a way, in his time frame. 

Our prayer is for God to close or open doors, we don’t want to look back on this wondering if we made the right decision. Our second prayer is that our pride and expectations do not get in the way, that we are humble and have a willing & open heart. If you would like to join us in prayer, we would be more than appreciative and humbled. Our prayer for the last year has been that we want to serve God, know him deeper, and to have our faith grown, that is still our heart. We do not know what will happen in the next few weeks, but we do know that God knows and that is where we rest. Here are just a few verses that I’ve been praying and meditating on. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him & he will make your paths straight.” 

Philippians 4:6-7 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests before the Lord. The peace of God, which goes beyond understanding, will guard your heart & mind in Christ.” 

Isaiah 30:21 

“Whether you turn right or left, you will hear a voice behind you saying “this is the way; walk in it.” 


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